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Humanitarian Class

You may apply for permanent residence if you meet the definition of "refugee" as set out in the Convention on the Status of Refugees. This is a complicated process, involving matters of interpretation of law and also collecting documentary evidence to support your case. If you have reason to fear returning to your home country, I can assess whether you are likely to fall under the Convention definition. If so, I can assist you in lodging your application.  If not.....

2. Complementary Protection
Canada also offers permanent or temporary protection to people whose situation does not bring them within the Refugees Convention but who nevertheless face serious problems, such as discrimination or severely straitened circumstances in their home country. The grounds for complementary protection vary widely but you must be able to demonstrate why you cannot return to your home country. I can assist you with this difficult application process.

 Canada Experience

Certain temporary residents in Canada who have extensive work experience and have gained educational qualifications in Canada may be eligible for permanent residence under the Canada Experience Class. You will require evidence  of tertiary qualifications and employment in Canada and I can help you with the process.

 Provincial Nomination
Each Province and Territory manages it's own nomination program. In short, a person nominate for permanent residence by a Province or Territory is eligible for the grant of permanent residence. Each Province's requirements for nomination are different and I can help you find your Province's requirements and show you how you can meet them.

*Note: I am not recognised as an immigration consultant in Quebec and therefore cannot assist you with immigration based on nomination by that Province.


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